Perquisites: MFA has been enabled by your administrator for you and Microsoft Authenticator App has been downloaded on your device.
- Sign into Office 365 with your account like you normally do. At first, you'll see this page:
- Please enter you Username and Password.
- Once you are logged in, you will get below prompt so please click on "Next"
- Once next is clicked, below screen will appear so in the drop-down list please select "Mobile App".
- Once you have selected Mobile app as below, select Receive notifications for verification and click on Setup.
- Open the Authenticator app, skip initial optons and click Add Work Account. Once you click on Add work account, device will ask for permissions so please allow that and Camera will be accessed for scanning QR code.
- Scan the QR code present on your computer screen, follow the instructions and account will be added.
- Note : If you have already have an account in your Authenticator app, then click 3 dots on top right to add account.(Follow this only if you have accounts present in app else ignore this step)
- While the verification process is running, below screen will appear so wait until its complete.
- Once the it is configured below screen will appear, note it says Mobile app has been configured at the bottom so click Next.
- Once you click next, a notification will appear to approve the request on your Authenticator app so please respond to that positively(yes).
- On clicking next you will see an option to recover account in case you loose access to Mobile app.
- Please enter your permanent number here (which can send and receive SMS).
- On clicking next, you will be presented with below screen.
- Important that you note the password presented on screen, this is the app password and needs to be entered on Outlook/Skype. Click on "Done" to finish the process(only after saving/noting the password).
- Next time when you try to log onto your webmail O365 account, you will presented with below screen after entering credentials, at this point you need to open your Authenticator app and approve the sign-in if its you who is trying to login.