Cerberus Mail - Admin Guide

Cerberus Mail - Admin Guide

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Before you start

This guide assumes that:

  • You have your Username, e.g. 'postmaster@example.com', and Password, e.g. Pass28Word, to hand.

  • You have access to a functioning web browser, connected to the internet.

  • Note that some configuration of settings refers to the Cerberus Mail User Guide. This can be downloaded from the Support section of the Cerberus Networks website.

Accessing your Cerberus Mail Admin Control Panel

Open up your favourite web browser, and go to: http://webmail.cerberusmail.co.uk/admin

  • You will be presented with the following page:

  • Type in your username and password, and click Login.


  • This tab presents a list of mailboxes belonging to your account, and allows you to add, remove, modify and view mailboxes.

  • A mailbox identifies mail to a particular user or group and has settings for that user/group.

  • Click a mailbox in the left side-list to view or modify its settings.

  • Add and Remove on the Context Menu can be used to add and remove mailboxes from the account.

  • When adding a new mailbox, the only settings you need are the email address for the new mailbox, and the password that you will be assigning to it.

Mailboxes – Configuring Individual User Settings

  • If you click on a mailbox from the mailbox list, you can set all the individual settings for that user’s mailbox.

  • These settings include such items as:

    • Passwords

    • Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus

    • Out of office Autoreply

    • Forwarding

  • For a full explanation of how to change these settings, which are an exact copy of the Control Panel view that an individual user can see when logged onto their own webmail, please see the Cerberus Mail User Guide.


  • An alias is an alternative name for an existing mailbox.

  • For example, say you have a member of staff called Mr Random Person, and you have set him up with a mailbox – 'random.person@domain.com'. Unfortunately, because his clients call him Dom, they always end up sending mail to 'dom.person@domain.com' – and as this mailbox doesn’t exist, their mails get returned. You can add a new alias for Mr Random Person’s mailbox to circumvent this problem.

  • Note, if you are using SMTP forwarding on your account, mail that is routed to a particular mailbox keeps its “To” address intact. E.g. if an alias exists for 'info@domain.com' that points to 'john@domain.com', then when the receiving mail server gets the mail, it is still addressed to 'info@domain.com', not 'john@domain'.com so the receiving mail server needs to be set up so that is knows how to route mail for 'info@domain.com'. The usage of an alias in this situation means that the filtering and other settings for 'info@domain.com' will be identical to 'john@domain.com'.

  • Click on Add on the Context Menu to add a new alias – 'dom.person@domain.com'. Set the Destination to the existing Mailbox'random.person@domain.com' – and from this point on, all mail sent to dom.person will automatically be placed in the random.person Mailbox.

  • Aliases are also useful if you want to have generic email addresses (e.g. sales@) but don't want another mailbox to check – simply add the alias (sales@, in this example) multiple times, pointing to a different Destination for each person.

  • Mailboxes can have any number of aliases pointing to them.

Global Sender Lists

  • To improve your experience when using email, Global Sender Lists provide a way to Whitelist and Blacklist email addresses and domains across an entire account.

  • Mail sent from an email address or domain in the Whitelist bypasses our anti- spam scanners and will always be delivered regardless of content.

  • Mail sent from an email address or domain in the Blacklist is never delivered, regardless of content.

  • Please note: settings in an individual mailbox will override any settings in the Global Sender Lists.


  • If you would like to enforce a signature for all outbound emails (assuming you are using our SMTP server), enter the content here.

  • If you leave the HTML section blank, we'll generate it automatically from the Plain Text.

  • You can use the checkbox to quickly enable or disable the signatures without losing the content.


  • In this section, you can review and change your account settings.

  • Current Quota Usage – how much of your quota is currently being used. It is not generated in real time, as this would decrease performance, but is updated periodically.

  • Account Quota – the quota size for the whole account.

  • Maximum Mailboxes – the maximum number of mailboxes that can be created in your account.

  • Maximum Domains – the maximum number of domains that can be associated with your account.

  • Maximum Aliases – the maximum number of aliases that can be created in your account.

  • Default Spam Setting For New Mailboxes – the default value for anti-spam when a new mailbox is created. For further details of what this settings means, please refer to the Cerberus Mail User Guide, which explains how the anti-spam system works.

  • Default Virus Settings For New Mailboxes – the default value for antivirus when a new mailbox is created. For further details of what this settings means, please refer to the Cerberus Mail User Guide, which explains how the antivirus system works.

  • Default Max Unread Mail Age – how many days an unread mail item will remain in a user’s inbox before being automatically deleted.

  • Default Max Spam Age – how many days a suspected spam item will remain in a user’s spam folder before being automatically deleted.

  • IMAP Access – ticking this box will enable IMAP access to your email, if you have purchased this option.

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