Cerberus Fax to Email Gateway

Cerberus Fax to Email Gateway

Service Description

Cerberus offers gateways to convert between faxes and emails for those who do not want to maintain a traditional fax machine and the phone line such a fax machine would require. It’s also environmentally friendly – reducing wasted paper, toner and electricity.

Inbound Fax Service

The Inbound fax service can be setup with either a geographic (e.g. a local phone prefix of your choice for anywhere in the UK) or non-geographic (e.g. 03xx, 08xx) phone number.

When ordering the customer specifies the following information:

  • Inbound Fax Number Type (geographic or non-geographic)

  • Inbound Fax Number Prefix

  • Email address(es) for delivery

  • File type for delivery (PDF or Multi-page TIFF)

Cerberus then provision the service and specify the inbound fax number for the service. After the service is provisioned the customer may advertise the number provided like any other fax number. Alternatively, if they have an existing fax number that they prefer to maintain, they can configure forwarding of calls from their pre-existing fax number to the new number for the Fax Gateway service,. Faxes send to the Fax Gateway number will automatically be converted and sent to the delivery address(es) as an email attachment.

The customer can change the email address(es) and/or file type at any time after the initial setup. To do that they just email provisioning@cerberusnetworks.co.uk with their request. We will verify the sender and make the change requested.

Outbound Fax Service

To send a Fax you must first ensure that you have suitable credits on your account. To purchase additional credits please contact your account manager. You must also have registered one or more email addresses to send a fax. To send a fax using the Fax Gateway service, you should send an email to


where the words “destination_fax_number” are replaced by the phone number you want to send your fax to. For example to send a fax to 03452571334 you would send your email to


The system then checks that you are sending from an authorised email address and that you have sufficient credit on your account. It then sends the fax using the public telephone network. The fax that you want to send should be attached to the email in any of the following formats:

  • Plain text (.txt)

  • Portable Document Format/PDF (.pdf)

  • Microsoft Word (.doc , .docx)

  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)

  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx)

For best results we recommend PDF.  You will receive a confirmation email once your fax has been sent.

You can test how your fax will look by sending your attachment to



The system will convert your attachment and send you back a monochrome Multi-page TIFF equivalent to what the recipient would see.

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